ArtYarn invite you to attend Learn to Knit - a workshop for those who have never knitted before, or want to refresh their skills.
Starting from the absolute basics Artyarn will teach you how to cast on, how to knit and purl and how to cast off.
Spaces are limited to 15 places per session, so we kindly ask you to inform us if you would like to attend these taught sessions.
Please e-mail info@artyarn.org to book a place on one of the three scheduled sessions:
Saturday 22nd May 10-12pm
Saturday 29th May 10-12pm
Saturday 5th June 10-12pm
Throughout our time at The Open Shop in Burnley town centre, we will also be running lots of open knitting circle sessions.
During these sessions you are invited along to drop in at any time, to help to design and knit the collection of Tea Cosies for Townley, find out more about the project, better your knitting skills and meet the artists.
The open knitting circles take place on the following dates:
Friday 21st May 10-4 pm
Friday 28th May 10-4 pm
Friday 4th June 10-4 pm
Saturday 22nd May 1-4 pm
Saturday 29th May 1-4 pm
Saturday 5th June 1-4 pm
Sunday 23rd May 11-3 pm
Sunday 30th May 11-3 pm
Sunday 6th June 11-3 pm
Artyarn will also be in the shop on other dates, if you see us there pop in and say hi, have a knit with us and find out more about the Tea Cosies for Towneley Project.
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